Friday, May 29, 2009


Two multi-hued petal structures were enclosed in a golden decorative bordered framework. She had a glimpse of it, and waded into her past memories!

Sweltering summer, culprit to ruined greenery, dusty environment, thirsty animals, chirpless surrounding, and sweaty-blistered body. Everyone felt lazy even to stretch.
Still the enthusiasm of children can never be beaten!

It was only 4 O’clock, the sun was blazing hard but the colony sport team of li’l wonders had already invaded their respective playgrounds. In no time the whole scene filled with screeches and screams. A group of boys were enjoying gully cricket, another group were satisfying with hopping and catching and others with marbles.

7 years old, Nalini watched all these from a distance. With twinkling eyes she waited for an invitation from her elder mates (a usual practice of not entertaining small kids). At last a girl called her to join their team. She was on cloud nine! Nalini started running. Suddenly something stopped her.

Bit of wriggle, some flap and then struggle! Nalini tried to help, went close to it, and coursed her hands in order to put it in a suitable position. But the struggle was hard that she retracted of the fear to hurt it. Then carefully she lifted it and ran towards her apartment.

Nalini had no idea what to do next. In view was the gardener uncle of her colony, so she decided to take some advice from him. She revealed the little thing on her hand and asked, “Unc’ can u suggest some way I can help this li’l fellow?” The gardener explained, “Ohh! The heat has done its job. This butterfly needs some rest. Put it on a flower here and hope it regains its strength.” Nalini did the same.

A while later, the innocent face bared a sweet smile. She was satisfied as the butterfly flew high. Remembering the call, Nalini ran back to the ground. Alas! They mocked and drove her away.
Next day the same scenario and no invitation! A tear trickled from the corner of her eye when something sat on Nalini’s nose tip. It was the same butterfly which she had helped.The butterfly visited everyday and Nalini never wanted any invitation then after.

One fine day, Nalini waited for her playmate. She breathed the fresh scented air but felt something twitching in her stomach. She was feeling restless when a gentle breeze touched her and she felt a smooth, silky, feathery thing on her neck. She acquired it. To her dismay it was her only friend in a shattered condition. Nalini attempted the previous act to save her friend’s life but this time the multi-hue-winged creature had no way other than to die on her savior’s hands.

Perhaps it was a gesture from the speechless mortal “I WANTED TO BE WITH YOU TILL THE END OF MY LIFE DEAR FRIEND…”

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Today’s wakeup call: “clean up your college mess”

Yawning and scratching my head when I opened my squirmy eyes I found mother ready with her favourite appliances (Engineers’ mother still have cleaning tools as their dearest ones). “Oh GOD! For heavens sake Ma results are not yet out …and and… we haven’t been given a farewell either! I’m still in college. Please can we shift the program till I get a graduation degree?” I pleaded.

Why is she so keen about cleaning up all my 4 years hard works? Spending all days attending lectures, writing down notes, photocopying whole books ,question papers and notes jus’ before exam days (well thanx to those who helped me photocopying).

I know I’m a bad persuader. So all I ended up cleaning my bookshelf.

Weary and confused I tried my algorithmic feats (a start of every project) and tried to pile up as wanted and unwanted things.

In a while the pile of unwanted stuffs grew and papers were flying here and there. Huffing I sat and realized 8 semesters and 42 subjects (excluding labs, projects etc) once up a time, these unwanted were important ,were the dearest ones to me.

All of a sudden I got some stuffs where a third category popped up amongst the categories of wanted and unwanted (I realized still ‘m not good at algorithms).

A small pendent, a bug shaped eraser, passport photograph of my friend, a promise check to laugh at all my jokes even if they were stupid, colourful dandiya sticks, a pair of earrings, a birthday card, and some gifted pens.

Without a second thought my hands grabbed them and hide them lest mother would have categorized as ‘The most unwanted’. My thoughts were guided to those delightful jiffies when I got those precious things from my friends.

It was 7:30 in the morning when I started cleaning up the 4 years’ mess which ended at 9:00 am but the 4 years happy moments and memories are still with me as the third classified ‘THE UNDISPOSABLES’.